
Evaluation of House of Memories Dementia Training Programme: Midlands Model

Added on Monday, September 29th, 2014

During March 2014, National Museums Liverpool (NML) successfully delivered their award-winning dementia care training programme House of Memories across the Midlands, in collaboration with Birmingham Museums Trust, Leicester City Council Museums, Nottingham City Museums and Galleries and arts partner Collective Encounters. The ICC’s Kerry Wilson and Gayle Whelan were delighted to be given the opportunity to evaluate the Midlands Model, following our earlier evaluation of the House of Memories Northern Model in 2013.

The Midlands evaluation was approached on a pilot study basis to test the effectiveness of an evaluation framework that combines participant observation, the development of a standardised Dementia Care Impact Measure and Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodologies to assess the impact of the programme.

Headline findings illustrate the positive impact of House of Memories on the subjective wellbeing of participating dementia carers and their personal and professional development. Significant outcomes include enhanced optimism, confidence and compassion as dementia carers. Respondents also reported improvements in their own knowledge of dementia, commitment to improving care standards and helping to reduce the stigma of dementia. Such outcomes map directly on to policy priorities outlined by the National Dementia Strategy. SROI analysis substantiates these findings, which translate into economic values and a return on investment of £1:£8.66 (up to one year after House of Memories) and £1: £44.68 (up to eight years after House of Memories).

The evaluation study creates a considerable rationale for further research on the developmental value of arts and cultural interventions to professional practice in health and social care sectors, with House of Memories as a leading case study. The ICC will be taking these ideas forward with NML as the programme continues to receive national recognition.

The summary evaluation report published by NML can be accessed here: http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/learning/documents/house-of-memories-midlands-evaluation-2014.pdf

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