
ICC publishes new report on value of the Beatles to Liverpool

Added on Monday, February 8th, 2016

Beatles Heritage in Liverpool and its Economic and Cultural Sector Impact is a new report, published today, which establishes for the first time a baseline understanding of what the Beatles legacy and ‘industry’ is worth to the city of Liverpool.

Focusing not only on economic value but also the intangible benefit to the Liverpool ‘brand’, the research catalogues and maps Liverpool’s Beatles-related cultural offer, estimating the current value of the Beatles legacy, identifying gaps in cultural provision, and projecting the future potential value of the Beatles legacy if such gaps are addressed.

The Institute of Cultural Capital oversaw the research elements of the project in collaboration with the Institute of Popular Music (University of Liverpool) and the European Institute for Urban Affairs (Liverpool John Moores University), following a decision by the Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson OBE, to commission the research.

The report produced by the research partners is orientated around the policy needs of the project stakeholders, and will help to engage and mobilise those within the local Beatles legacy industry by providing robust intelligence and recommendations on which to act.

For further details on the research, please visit the research project page.

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