
NML deliver national-standard Tier 2 dementia care training to NHS professionals

Added on Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

As part of our long-term research collaboration with National Museums Liverpool (NML), researchers at the ICC have recently evaluated a pioneering train the trainer model of NML’s award-winning dementia awareness training programme House of Memories, commissioned by Health Education England and delivered to over 100 acute health care professionals in collaboration with NHS partners across the North West.

The evaluation, led by ICC’s Head of Research Kerry Wilson, has evidenced positive outcomes with reference to person-centred dementia care, which forms a central tenet of the national Dementia Core Skills Education and Training Framework. Social value research undertaken by ICC Research Fellow Gayle Whelan as part of the evaluation resulted in a social return on investment (SROI) ratio of £1: £19.06, illustrating the economic value of cultural collaborations to statutory health services.

Kerry Wilson commented “House of Memories continues to provide a crucial evidence base and cross-sector learning platform for cultural commissioning and the value of museums in dementia care, particularly with reference to its capacity building qualities in response to the developmental needs of health and social care sectors.”

We look forward to building this evidence base via expansion of the House of Memories research programme from September 2016. Click here for more information on the evaluation of the pilot train the trainer programme. A press release from NML is also available here.

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