
Physical environment | Heritage

This thematic area links mainly to our work on governance and leadership, but with a focus on the city’s built heritage. This work complements but departs from the focus of the Impacts 08 physical realm research, which explored instead the impact of the ECoC on city dressing and physical infrastructure investments.

Heritage Value Impacts

This project explores the role and impact of culture within the development of planning and development initiatives, including the use of tangible and intangible cultural heritage to market Liverpool and the legacy of the ECoC in the development of distinct cultural quarters. This project also explores the wider issue of the Liverpool UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) and associated discourse, building on research previously conducted by the ICC in 2013. This topic was not fully engaged with during the Impacts 08 work but, since the placement of Liverpool on the WHS Endangered list, it has become a key area for debate around the usage and value(s) of cultural heritage for a city in ongoing development.

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